R2Z Lab

Language: ITA ENG

We design and develop solutions for makers!

Page under construction... handwritten, be patient :)

Projects status (updated on mar 13, 2019)

R2Z4004Integrated circuitAnalog BeatCounterPre-productionWorking on it (90%)
R2Z4008Integrated circuitComing soon...DevelopmentWorking on it
R2Z5000 Arduino Shield Printer Shield for Arduino In production ITA ENG Test utility and interface library (c#)
Arduino library 0.9.0
R2Z5001 Raspberry Shield Printer Shield for Raspberry In productionITA ENG Test utility and interface library (c#) EBAY TIndie
R2Z5004Arduino ShieldBeatCounter ShieldIn productionWorking on it
R2Z5060ModuleAnalog RGB LED DriverPre-productionWorking on it

I sell on Tindie

Info: r2z@r2z.org